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April 1, 2016 —

Meet the 91 team: Kath Webber (Sub Editor)

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It’s the next in our series of posts where you get to find out a little bit more about the team behind 91 Magazine. Today we meet Kath, our meticulous sub editor, who also happens to be a dab hand with a crochet hook! You can read more about her career on our About page, but right now we are delving in to her daily routine, her most treasured vintage finds and how she can predict a thunderstorm! 

Tell us about your morning routine… My morning routine varies little from to day-to-day; like our Deputy Editor Laura, I have young children so my mornings are totally dominated by their requests for food (always a brioche bun first), last-minute ironing of school uniform or packing a bag for nursery, and a quiet 20 minutes spent browsing Instagram and Pinterest whilst sipping a strong cup of tea from my favourite ‘Wuthering Heights’ mug. I love seeing Emily Quinton’s floral-themed morning posts on IG and seeing the world wake up on social media. 

Image by Kath Webber (@kathwebbercrochet on Instagram)

Image by Kath Webber (@kathwebbercrochet on Instagram)

Other than 91 Magazine (of course!) what do you like to read? I love picking up indie magazines whenever I can, like Betty, The Simple Things or Ballad Of…, it’s fair to say I’m a total magazine addict. As a writer I was always told to read as much as possible, so I’ll read whatever I get my hands on. I love to read interiors and craft magazines, and will often dip into newspaper supplements to get ideas for content or styling. Since having children my novel-reading has fallen by the wayside, so I recently joined #theyearinbooks hashtag to encourage me to read more. I love anything by any of the Brontës, Virginia Woolf, Angela Carter or Margaret Atwood so invariably I’ll have a pile of their novels by my bed. I’m currently reading The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë, as well as dipping in and out of Marie Kondo’s best-selling The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying and Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig. 

Describe a corner of your home that you particularly love. In the very back of my house in the ‘box room’ I created a little space of my own in the Spring of last year. I bought a formica table from eBay for £10, and it houses my sewing machines, jars of vintage knitting needles, a DAB radio and a couple of boards made for me by some friends. It’s special as it’s my space, and everything I need is in reach; I’ll often listen to the radio while I sew or prepare knitting and crochet projects, and the children seem to instinctively know that they’re not allowed in there. It’s cluttered and messy, but it’s mine and I love it. 

Image by Kath Webber (@kathwebbercrochet on Instagram)

Image by Kath Webber (@kathwebbercrochet on Instagram)

If you could be whisked away for the weekend to any destination in the world, where would you choose? While the temptation would be to fly to Gothenburg or Copenhagen for a weekend, I still feel there’s so much to explore right here in the British Isles. I’d love to visit Edinburgh or Bath, and see some beautiful architecture, visit some unique shops and stay somewhere really special for a couple of nights. 

What’s the best advice that you’ve ever been given? â€˜If you don’t ask, you don’t get.’ I can’t remember who said that to me – probably my dad. He has always encouraged me to pursue every remote opportunity, and my mum has been there to support me and offer suggestions, too. Sometimes seizing an opportunity can be scary, and we often make excuses with ourselves to not grab an experience with both hands. I try not to say no to anything – one never knows where it might lead!

What’s your radio tuned to? In my sewing area it’s usually BBC Radio 4 or 4 extra, and if I hear a classic serial or something I like I’ll usually use the iPlayer Radio app to listen to the rest of the series or hear it again. In the kitchen it’s usually Radio 4- I love Woman’s Hour- or BBC6 Music. There’s nothing as good for a true musical education – Iggy Pop is my favourite presenter. 

What’s your most treasured flea market find? I have so many! I’m lucky enough to live about 20 minutes away from a fabulous antiques centre, and invariably I will always find something I love there. Last time it was an Ercol chair for my kitchen, and the time before it was a Babycham glass and a beautiful vintage scarf clip. I’ve worn the scarf clip a lot – as a brooch and more recently to fasten my handmade shawls. My husband found my beautiful Victorian engagement ring at a jewellery flea, and I couldn’t have picked a more perfect ring if I’d tried – it’s a traditional Victorian trilogy ring but with a pearl at the centre and it is the perfect fit. 

Image by Kath Webber (@kathwebbercrochet on Instagram)

Image by Kath Webber (@kathwebbercrochet on Instagram)

What was the last thing that you made by hand? As a crochet designer, I make things constantly. However, it’s rare that I get to make something special for myself, so usually I knit something. Over the Easter weekend I used my time to finish crocheting a beautiful shawl using some very special hand-dyed yarn. I really enjoyed following someone else’s pattern for a change, and indulging in expensive yarn just for me. 

What are your home styling essentials? Unfortunately my home is far from styled! It’s very small and there is stuff – books, toys, crochet – everywhere! However, I think special items can add interest to a small corner – fresh, seasonal flowers, scented candles or a pile of vintage books or postcards help pull the eye away from the mess! 

Can you share a tip for other creative freelancers? I have piles of notebooks and pencils in virtually every room in the house – you never know when an idea will strike! Also, set your own timetable and don’t be afraid to say no to something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Your work WILL be recognised by someone, and eventually your ideas and skills will be a valuable asset. 

Some quick fire Qs…

Tea or coffee? TEA! I love coffee but it gives me migraines so I limit myself to two or three cups a week, and make sure it’s really good stuff!

Early bird or night owl? Night owl, though my children are trying to turn me into an early bird. 

Summer or Winter? I love winter – flickering candles, cosy blankets and a lap full of knitting or cat. 

Twitter or Instagram? (Who do you follow?) Instagram. I’m @kathwebbercrochet and love @meandorla, @circleofpines, @_g3, @judiths_place and a new hashtag, #crochetgirlgang

Favourite flower?  I can’t resist the beautiful fragrance of white lilies, but I love the simplicity and the scent of eucalyptus leaves. 

And finally… tell us a secret or something surprising about yourself. I broke my arm when I was eight years old, and since I had a pin installed I’ve been able to predict when it’ll snow or thunder. Usually around half an hour before a thunderstorm my arm will begin to ache and throb.

Thanks Kath! Next month we’ll be chatting with our designer Lucy Davidson.

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