91 Magazine loves to discover and support exciting creative businesses. Whether you’re a creative business owner yourself, you have dreams of starting one, or you’re just intrigued to know what goes on behind the scenes, we’ve gathered together insights and advice from the owners of a range of successful creative businesses, from shops to design studios to blogs.
{top image: Clare Nicholson}
Here are just some of the kernels of wisdom that we’ve collected along the way…
Research saves you from making a lot of beginners’ mistakes. The School for Creative Startups showed me that I needed to begin with a clear business model, to work out what I was going to sell, and who was going to buy it.
– Bethan John, Decorator’s Notebook
From a creative perspective, it’s essential to have good quality imagery. A well photographed product can convey so much.
– Dee Puddy
Be true to your own style and don’t try to follow trends too much. Build up a good social media network… and give your brand personality.
-Clare Nicholson
I love the spontaneity of social media. It’s an instant way of letting your customers know what’s happening. It also adds personality to your business.
– Dee Puddy
I like the subtle approach of Twitter – it’s a good place to follow people of relevance to my work […] if tweets are seen by the right people, that can lead to magazine features and other opportunities.
– Kiran Ravilious
Don’t get downhearted when things go wrong, which they inevitably will, instead put your energy into what you can do to make it better. Have faith and passion for your business and constantly keep it moving.
-Lyndsey Goodger, Rose & Grey
Find the full interviews with these brilliant creative businesswomen in the following back issues of 91, available to read on Issuu.com:
Bethan John www.decoratorsnotebook.co.uk (interviewed in 91 issue 9)
Dee Puddy www.deepuddy.co.uk (interviewed in 91 issue 7)
Lyndsey Goodger www.roseandgrey.co.uk (interviewed in 91 issue 8)
Kiran Ravilious www.kiranravilious.com (interviewed in 91 issue 10)
Clare Nicholson www.clarenicholson.com (interviewed in 91 issue 11)